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Student Online Privacy and Safety

In District 65, the privacy and online safety of our students is of the utmost importance. We have always taken steps to guard closely the student data collected within our networks or by the online resources we use in our schools. Effective July 1, 2021, all school districts are required by the Student Online Personal Protection Act (SOPPA) to provide additional measures that student data is protected when collected by educational technology companies and that the data is used for beneficial purposes only.

The goal of SOPPA aligns directly with the district’s MIRACLES framework, specifically within Tenant L2 in the promotion of safe and orderly schools and classroom environments and Tenant C4, creating viable practices that align with policies, in this instance, the protection of students and their data.

Please review our list of approved learning platforms for students and families. The following list outlines frequently used learning platforms by the district and categorizes them by SOPPA compliance, grade level usage, approval status, and the subject that each platform focuses on.

Approved Application and Learning Platforms for Student Use

In District 65, we use the Learn Platform which is a system that lists the approved applications and learning platforms for student use. Applications and learning platforms listed in District 65’s Learn Platform library displays their respective SOPPA compliance, grade level usage, approval status, and the subject area that each platform supports.


To contact the Instructional technology Department, please call (847) 859-8031. To reach a specific member of the Curriculum & Instruction Team, please visit our staff directory and search 'Curriculum & Instruction' Department.